Choir Schedule

NOTE: We’re using a google calendar; for those of you not familiar with it, if you click on the date box and it says “Choir practice,” it will give you more details if available re: location, time, songs we’re singing, and even a google map (if you can figure out how to use it!)

Thanks to Britannia Community Centre, we are practicing from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm (note the end time change) on Sunday mornings at the Britannia.  We have two locations, depending on the weather. Keep an eye on the email list and the calendar to see where we’ll be.

Our outdoor location

There are several ways to get to our outdoor spot. The best two are:

* walk into Britannia from the Drive, walk straight past the office, and the 55+ centre and the library, and the Learning Resource Centre. Keep going straight to the end. (not far) Turn left, and it’s on the right. A long, narrow area under cover. OR

* Walk to Cotton Dr (one block west of Commercial, and the west side of Grandview Park. Walk north on Cotton til you have entered Britannia Community Centre through the fenced door, and it’s right there, on the left.

Our indoor location

The 55Centre (Al Mattison Lounge, or AML for short) is located across from the Britannia Info Centre, just east of the Library.

If you would like to be added to the most up-to-date information regarding practices and other Solidarity Notes events and gigs, get in touch with us via the “contact us” tab on the website and we’ll add you to our mailing list.

Rehearsal dates are three Sundays a month from, 10:30am to 12:30pm, except for statutory holidays (if a stat holiday is in the middle of the month, we take that day off and rehearse on the last day of the month).

Keep your eye on the email list or the calendar above for the most current information on dates we will not be rehearsing (click on the contact button at the top of the website page to get in touch).

Check the email list and/or the calendar above closer to the dates for details as to where we will be rehearsing (outside or inside).


Thanks to the Britannia Community Services Centre which is a sponsor of the choir and provides us with free rehearsal space.